Caroline Morris heads the Centre for Small States. She has pioneered the study of small states from a legal perspective and is recognised as a leading figure in the field. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the interdisciplinary journal Small States and Territories and a General Editor of the World of Small States series. Recent small states publications include: Small States in a Legal World (ed with Petra Butler: Springer Publishing, Berlin, 2017); “Beyond Westminster: Principles, Processes, Possibilities” in Venous Memari (ed) The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Bermuda Constitution: Reflections on its Past and Future (Centre for Justice, Hamilton, Bermuda, 2019); “Attempting constitutional reform in the island microjurisdiction of Alderney” (2018) 47(2) Common Law World Review105; and “Referendums in Oceania” in Matt Qvortrup (ed) Referendums Around the World (2ed, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2014). She has also created a syllabus for interdisciplinary study of small states and international law which is free to use and available via the website of the Centre for Small State Studies in Iceland [here].

Dr Morris has advised a number of small state and territory government bodies and NGOs on constitutional matters. She has been featured on BBC Gibraltar and ZFB-TV (Bermuda) as well as advising Al-Jazeera (print version) on the impact of Brexit on the British Overseas Territories.




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